Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Big Training Weekend

Every year, Randy and I spend a weekend in Lake Placid with some of our triathlon friends for a big training weekend.  This year was no exception.

Friday night, Randy loaded the bikes into the Black Pearl (our awesome Ford Flex named for the Pirates of the Caribbean ship).  We packed all our gear and food and clothes and got up early Saturday morning to make the trip up to the Adirondack High Peaks.  Of course, we were sure to stop at our favorite rest area just before getting off the highway.

Upon our arrival, there was the usual busy-ness of getting ready and deciding what to wear.  If you are wearing too much, you'll be sweating on the climbs (which are everywhere) and if you don't have enough, you'll be freezing on the descent into Keene.  At the last minute, I took off the knee warmers, but decided to keep the arm warmers.  Once we were all ready (all except Jen, who was smart to get up there Friday night and start an hour earlier), we rolled out of town.

My plan was to keep it easy for the first loop.  In fact, I have some rules - always do one gear easier than I think I can do and do not use the big chain ring until I get to the Cascades (about two miles before the big descent).  Our friend Dan rode with me and I was feeling pretty good.  At about mile 40, we stopped for water, but noticed that our usual pit stop was closed!  We've always stopped at Wilson farms to refill the bottles.  It's funny how things like that can throw you off a little.  This weekend, and this bike course, are like a tradition for us (hence the necessary stop at the rest area on the highway).  But, we found another place to fill up.  This place had more beer than water, but they were really friendly and we went back out.

If you've ever been to Lake Placid and Whiteface Mountain, you would know how crappy the roads usually are.  For ten years, we've been dodging potholes and torn pavement as we ride the long 12 miles uphill from Wilmington to LP.  But, the sadness (?) from the loss of our beloved Wilson Farms quickly turned to pure joy at the sight of a newly paved highway!  Not that the ride is any easier, but it is far more comfortable!

After the first loop, I was delighted by my time of 3:25.  I had no idea what to expect, so I was just hoping that I didn't put too much out there on the first loop only to struggle through the second.  As we rolled out of town again (after refilling the bottles and food bags), I was starting to push some bigger gears.  Of course, Randy took off and there was no way I was going to try to keep up with him, but I really felt good.  All the while, I was hoping that the good feeling would last.  It was starting to get warm and there are parts of that course that are in the open sun for long stretches.  I rode most of the second loop alone, which was okay (good mental training) and I even passed some people.  I handled the climbs well (over 5000 feet of climbing) and when I finished, I saw that I had a total time of 6:49!  That meant that I had an even split, which is very cool.  Even better, that was five minutes faster than my race in 2006!

I will admit that I'm feeling pretty good about that.  I have a time goal for IM this year, and I'm starting to feel like it is reachable.

Last night was the best part of the weekend, though.  Eating good food and hanging with friends, sharing stories of the day's ride and past rides and races is what the sport is all about.

This morning, we ran half the run course and I was again feeling pretty good.  I wasn't blazing fast, just trying to maintain my e-pace (10:30 miles).  My legs were (are) tired, but I didn't feel the need to walk.  And, my IT band was able to handle the downhills and the crowned roads.  At least during the race, I won't have to run on the side of the road (can't avoid those hills though).  Seems like surgery was a good move for me!

I must also give a shout out to my amazing husband and coach!  Without him, I don't know how this would be.  Thanks, babe!

And thank you to Ray for setting us up in the great house.  We missed you!

Of course, after the run, we visited the Lake Placid Brew Pub, where I scarfed down a mushroom and swiss burger...mmmmm.........

All in all, a great weekend of training with good friends and great weather!  I am starting to get excited for race day!  Bring it on!!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog. I will be following your training. I am racing my 3rd Ironman at Wisconsin this year:

